The Joseph strategic industrial zone is ready in all respects and has a lot to offer to investors. Potential investors may
be interested in extensive savings of investment and operating costs. The zone is situated in the region with the highest
unemployment in the Czech Republic, which is thus eligible for concentrated state aid. Investing in the Joseph strategic industrial
zone enables investors to receive the best conditions for obtaining investment incentives and subsidies from EU structural
funds. The locally available skilled workforce and active support and unhindered communication from the management of the
City of Most are valuable aspects.

Active and professional support for investors
The clear, well-arranged and very simply defined procedures comprising the whole process of investment implementation in
the industrial zone guarantee for the investor a minimal administrative burden throughout the course of this process and faster
launch of operations. The city management and the zone management are ready to provide maximum support to the investor.
Guarantee of a business-partner relationship rather than an agent-client relationship.
Minimised administrative burden.
Active communication and support in many areas.